Here’s a bit about me, the owner and how this non toxic skin care brand was born

My story

I am the owner and creator behind Goly Natural, I am passionate about all things natural, and have always thrived when being creative. I started creating natural beauty products 13 years ago when my daughter was born. I opened an Etsy shop, and briefly worked from home as a stay at home mother,  business owner. Week, at the time I had no idea what I was doing, no idea how much time I had to invest or how to run socials. Finally April of 2020 I decided to take that leap of faith and re-open my business. After a full rebrand, some new products, much sweat and tears, here I am.
Has it been easy? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely yes. I hope you enjoy coming along this journey with me. 
I created Goly with the aim of bringing you the most of natural skin care, stripped it all back to basics and created a range of natural skin care that is completely free of harsh chemicals. Most of products are vegan, I use a local Bee keeper for my honey and beeswax, and all my ingredients are Organic. 
Only the best ingredients for the best results. 

My products were created with troubled skin in mind, to help both children and adults tackle those pesky eczema and psoriasis prone skin, acne and acne scars, and even growing bumps to stay nourished and hydrated. 

We are located in Southsea, in the Hampshire area. All our products are carefully handcrafted in my workshop, using only the best, most natural ingredients. 

Since  my debut in April 2020, I have helped countless individuals to better their skin, and therefore their self-esteem and quality of life. 

How was Goly Natural Born?

 I started formulating natural skin care, and artisan soaps, 13 years ago when my first child was born. The lack of truly natural, and also affordable products in the market triggered something in me. A passion that was dormant. I have always lived in the country side, I grew up growing my own food, gathering herbs and berries from fields and forests, and have always loved living a natural life.
The first product I created was the now, very popular and loved, Rose Salve. I made this cream to use as a nappy change cream, until one day, my own mother, decided that it smelled too good, and felt to good on the skin, to just be used in babies bums...
And then, it was born, my most beloved moisturiser, cleanser, deodorant replacement and still, nappy changing cream. 
From then on, I took every course available to me, bought every book known to Man, and kept practising, improving recipes, and creating new products every year. 
This year I have introduced aromatherapy products, as well as all natural bath bombs.